Totem poles

Totem poles

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Working Bee on Saturday!

On Saturday we started preparing for the rebuild of the school next year. The nature trail will be affected by the new classrooms being built. So on Saturday a very hardworking group of kids, staff and parents gathered at school to transplant as many plants as we could around the school.

                                         New gardens created by Rooms 1 and 2.
Lots of digging and lifting and team work.
                                       Filling in the gaps in the garden by the SEU.
                                                            What a difference!
                  The team, well some of the team.
              Ngā mihi whanau, what a great team effort.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Great gardening session with the Te Rito enviro team this afternoon!

First we potted up some popping corn seeds to grow in the veggie garden. We were given some strawberry popcorn seeds from Twiglands, can't wait to see what they turn out like. We also took some sees after the cobs we grew last year.
All potted, watered, ready to grow.
The next job was to put the sunflower seeds, that Room 17 had gathered from their sunflowers, into little bags to give away to anyone who would like to grow sunflowers at home.
Finally we planted ferns in Te Ngahere.
One of the ferns was a hen and chicken fern.  Look at all the little babies growing which we will be able to propogate and plant around other spots around the school.
Nga mihi Te Rito kids, you did and amazing job.